Sunday, November 6, 2016

IN the NEWS - 2016 Trend?

"Sydney, Australia, right now that displays what happens when climate hysteria, performance art, and the products of indifferent parenting are combined and go horribly, horribly awry.....

If you happen to find yourself in Sydney this week, you have the unique opportunity to have sex with the earth. You just need to stop by the
"ecosexual bathhouse," which is currently part of the Syndey LiveWorks Festival of experimental art. The bathhouse is an interactive installation created by artists Loren Kronemyer and Ian Sinclair of Pony Express, who described the work to me as a "no-holds-barred extravaganza meant to dissolve the barriers between species as we descend into oblivion" as the result of our global environmental crisis. But they also see their piece as a part of a much larger ecosexual movement, which they say is gathering momentum around the world.
And they may be right. Jennifer Reed, a PhD candidate in sociology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is writing a dissertation on ecosexuality, and says that the number of people who identify as ecosexuals has increased markedly in the past two years. And Google search data confirms that interest in the term has spiked dramatically over the past year. We may look back on 2016 as the year ecosexuality hit the mainstream." PJmedia
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,... Romans 1:24,25

* Gay Marriage, Transgenders in women bathrooms, bestiality legal in Canada, public self abuse legal in Italy, sex robots in Holland & now eco-sexuality?