Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Creation Moment 11/9/2016 - Soviet Biology

Say unto the king and to the queen, Humble yourselves, sit down:
for your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your glory.
Jeremiah 13:18

"....article comment on the devastation wreaked on science by atheistic, totalitarian regimes.

Avi Loeb only refers briefly to Soviet Russia in an article in Nature:
The consequences of a closed scientific culture are wasted resources and misguided ‘progress’ — witness the dead end that was Soviet evolutionary biology. To truly move forward, free thought must be encouraged outside the mainstream. Multiple interpretations of existing data and alternative motivations for collecting new data must be supported.
The Harvard astronomer writes about his experience visiting Mayan ruins in Mexico, pondering the
worldview blindness that prevented them from understanding what they so carefully calculated with their astronomical observations. He wonders if modern cosmologists have a similar blindness. The only way forward, he concludes, is to think outside the box, staying open to alternative explanations for data. The Soviets provide a bad example, because all Soviet science had to support the regime. Lysenko’s evolutionary biology was a dead end in more than one sense. It led to famines in Russia and China that killed millions of people." CEH