Saturday, November 5, 2016

Creation Moment 11/6/2016 - Seafloor Creatures Designed for a PURPOSE too

"Areas of the Arctic play a larger role than previously thought in the global nitrogen cycle—the process responsible for keeping a critical element necessary for life flowing between the atmosphere, the land and oceans.

Animals living on and in the seafloor play a significant role in
facilitating nitrogen removal. Animals such as worms and clams make tubes and burrows in the seabed, creating a perfect space for bacteria to engage in denitrification, a process that is necessary to remove excess nitrogen from oceans. A new study finds that the Arctic plays a larger than expected role in the global nitrogen cycle.

All living things need nitrogen for survival, but excessive nitrogen can harm marine and terrestrial ecosystems. For example, excess nitrogen in the ocean can fuel growth of algae blooms, including toxic blooms that are harmful to marine life. Symptoms of nitrogen pollution include "dead zones," fish kills, shellfish poisoning and loss of coastal habitats such as seagrass meadows and coral reefs. Natural bacteria in the ocean remove some of this extra nitrogen in the ocean by converting it to inert nitrogen gas in a process called "denitrification."

"Microbial nitrogen removal occurs across the globe, and we were interested in how much of an impact it was making in the Arctic," said Amber Hardison,...." ScienceDaily

* So what we have here is an intricately DESIGNED system on earth for the web of life. Even the little sea creatures play a role. Everything exists for a purpose. IF evolution were true, many things randomly forming by Time+Chance, would serve no purpose.
Lift up your eyes on high,
and behold who hath created these things,
Isaiah 40:26