Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Creation Moment 11/2/2016 - Parking Garages- EVERYWHERE

"We humans may be more aligned with the universe than we realize. According to research published in the journal Physical Review C, neutron stars and cell cytoplasm have something in common:
structures that resemble multistory parking garages.
UC Santa Barbara soft condensed-matter physicist Greg Huber and colleagues explored the biophysics of such shapes—helices that connect stacks of evenly spaced sheets—in a cellular organelle called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

Huber thought these "parking garages" were unique to soft matter (like the interior of cells) until he happened upon the work of nuclear physicist Charles Horowitz at Indiana University. Using computer simulations, Horowitz and his team had found the same shapes deep in the crust of neutron stars.

Nuclear physicists have an apt terminology for the entire class of shapes they see in their high-performance computer simulations of neutron stars: nuclear pasta. These include tubes (spaghetti) and parallel sheets (lasagna) connected by helical shapes that resemble Terasaki ramps.

"They see a variety of shapes that we see in the cell," Huber explained. "We see a tubular network; we see parallel sheets. We see sheets connected to each other through topological defects we call Terasaki ramps. So the parallels are pretty deep." Phys.org

Same DESIGNER-if it works, it works.
Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.
Psalm 148:5