Sunday, November 13, 2016

Creation Moment 11/14/2016 - Infiltration of Seminaries

"The American Association for the Advancement of Science—publisher of Science magazine—is providing financial support for pilot programs that will integrate science into core theological curricula at 10 US seminaries.
As part of the grants scheme, which also has the backing of the
John Templeton Foundation, AAAS will offer “science-education videos” and will “recruit scientist-advisers from nearby science research institutions”.
The AAAS says the aim is to help future pastors talk science with parishioners. But given its track record of hostility to creation, and the stated theistic evolutionary syncretistic aims of the Templeton Foundation, the videos and advice will certainly be evolution-focused and will hardly be sympathetic to the idea that the God of the Bible created life as per the history given in Genesis.
Despite claims of wanting the ‘separation’ of religion and science, when it comes to the evolutionary belief system, it is obvious that this is one religious viewpoint intolerant of any opposition. Such efforts, especially with the attached ‘carrot’ of funding, are unfortunately likely to accelerate the abandonment by Christian institutions of the plain teaching of Genesis, so crucial to the logic of the Gospel." CMI
.....and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
1 John 5:19