Friday, November 11, 2016

Creation Moment 11/12/2016 - Eye Wiring

"Evolutionists such as Richard Dawkins have long claimed that our eyes are wired ‘backwardly’,
something no designer would do. However, creationist eye experts such as ophthalmologist Dr. George Marshall pointed out that Dawkins’s claim “comes from a lack of knowledge of eye function and anatomy”.
Later, Marshall was further vindicated by discoveries that the inverted wiring allowed the Müller cells to function as a fiber optic plate, enhancing image sharpness. Thus Dawkins’s alleged bad design turns out to be “an optimal structure”.
Researchers from the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa have found a further benefit of the inverted wiring.

Note first that our eyes have two types of light receptors:

cones, which need brighter light, are responsible for color and central vision, and the sharpest images;

rods can detect a single photon of light, and are mainly responsible for night and peripheral vision, but can’t distinguish color. They are most sensitive to blue-green light and can barely detect red, and are more common in the peripheral regions. This is why pilots and astronomers at night try not to look directly at an object but a little to the side (‘averted vision’).

The previous research showed that Müller cells were great light guides. The new research shows that they also separate colors (wavelengths). Red and green light is funneled onto cones, best at detecting them, rather than wasted on the rods. Rather, the Müller cells leak blue light on to the rods that can make best use of the energetic photons, which might damage the sensitive cones. Thus the inverted wiring helps to optimize day vision in bright light, while at night, the rods also get as much blue light as possible." CMI
 ...for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14