Thursday, November 10, 2016

Creation Moment 11/11/2016 - Eyelashes by DESIGN

"A research team at the Georgia Institute of Technology found that eyelashes drastically reduce airflow—if they are the right length. In tests on numerous mammals, they found that eyelashes are
consistently one-third the width of their eyes. They said, “Wind tunnel experiments confirm that this optimal eyelash length reduces both deposition of airborne particles and evaporation of the tear film by a factor of two.”
Researchers also found that thick eyelashes (possessed by animals such as giraffes and kangaroos that live in bright dusty environments) were more effective at both blocking airflow across the eye and limiting light.
Such similarities that we share with other creatures show that we all had one incredibly intelligent Creator. That is, there is one divine mind behind the whole of creation." CMI
But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord:
Psalm 141:8