Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Book Review: Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament

 (short) Book Review: A book that may be of some interest....
(Review by ABR)

Genesis Creation Account and
Its Reverberations in the Old Testament
by Gerald Klingbeil
408 pages, paperback  Andrews University Press

"Further, although most ABR readers and supporters are not convinced Seventh-day Adventists as are the authors, this book has little to do with that particular theological perspective. Thus, readers of a
different theological persuasion who are interested in the Genesis creation account would be well served to read and digest the arguments posed, not letting disagreements on understanding the role of the Sabbath in the present-day church to be a stumbling block to mining the riches found in this work.

The concept of origins is foundational for any worldview, and this volume usefully explores this concept from the perspective of biblical theology. Covering aspects of semantics, history of interpretation, exegesis, and theology, it shows the various entry points necessary to more fully appreciate biblical creation. Exploration of creation throughout the Old Testament canon is a welcome core of the book. The focus firmly remains the Old Testament and its world, so even discussions of evolution concentrate on ancient Near Eastern views rather than current scientific discussion.
Collectively, they find that the weight of the textual data of the Old Testament clearly portrays an overarching understanding and theology of creation that permeates every biblical genre and book. These findings should inform the thinking of every honest Christian, whether layperson, theologian, or scientist. At its core, creation theology is all about Who God is, who we are, what our destiny is, and how God chooses to save a world that is in direct rebellion to its Creator."
What is man, that thou art mindful of him?For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels,
 and hast crowned him with glory and honor.
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands;
thou hast put all things under his feet:
Psalm 8:4-6