Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stronger than Death

Love is strong as death.
Song of Solomon 8:6
 "Whose love can this be which is as mighty as the conqueror of
I do love Him, and perhaps by His grace, I could even die for Him, but as for my love in itself, it can scarcely endure a scoffing jest, much less a cruel death.
Surely it is my Beloved's love which is here spoken of-the love of Jesus, the lover of souls. His love was indeed stronger than the most terrible death, for it endured the trial of the cross triumphantly.
It was a lingering death,
                             but love survived the torment;
a shameful death,
                            but love despised the shame;
a penal death,
                            but love bore our iniquities;
a forsaken, lonely death,
                           from which the eternal Father hid His face,...
 Come Thou Thyself and excite the ardor of my spirit."
Charles Spurgeon