Saturday, October 8, 2016

SDA News - A new addition

"Seventh-day Adventist leaders will declare that Adventist education is key to the fulfillment of the church’s mission to share the gospel and propose a 29th Fundamental Belief on education during a three-day conference that opens Wednesday evening at the world church’s headquarters.
The suggested addition to the current 28 Fundamental Beliefs, which would describe the biblical basis for Adventist education, is among a raft of plans for Adventist education that are to be presented to world church leaders at the LEAD conference in Silver Spring, Maryland.

The plan, which is outlined in a document that will be presented to conference attendees, calls for the:
  • establishment of measurable goals to increase the number of pre-kindergarten/elementary and secondary schools over the next five years;
  • establishment of measureable outcomes that raise the standard of academic excellence;
  • establishment of clear curriculum policies and indicators that position schools to nurture in the hearts of students a culture of church involvement and a broad spectrum of mission skills;
  • incorporation of resources of the Biblical Research Institute and the Geoscience Research Institute in the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities (AAA) process that clearly requires all accredited schools to advocate for and teach as truth the Fundamental Beliefs as voted by the General Conference Session;
  • development of policy and criteria that define a new tier of Adventist education described as High Impact Schools (HIS).
  • definition and development of standards for other models of education, such as homeschools, residence hall non-degree awarding “college,” pastoral-led classes, online Massive Open Online Courses in a way that enables such students to be a part of Adventist education;
  • definition of the core of Adventist education at all levels and ensure alignment with AAA and HIS criteria, with latitude beyond threshold requirements; and
  • development of Fundamental Belief No. 29 describing the biblical basis for Seventh-day Adventist education." ANN
Train up a child in the way he should go:
Proverbs 22:6