Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ropes of Sand vs. the Cross

"Jesus placed the cross in line with the light coming from heaven, for it is there that it shall catch the eye of man.

The cross is in direct line with the shining of the divine countenances, so that by beholding the cross men may see and
know God and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent.

In beholding God we behold the one who poured out his soul unto death. In beholding the cross the view is extended to God, and his hatred of sin is discerned. But while we behold in the cross God's hatred of sin, we also behold his love for sinners, which is stronger than death. To the world the cross is the incontrovertible argument that God is truth and light and love.

The whole world stands condemned before the great moral standard of righteousness. In the great day of judgment every soul that has lived on the earth will receive sentence in accordance as to whether his deeds have been good or evil in the light of the law of God.

Every mouth will be stopped as the cross with its dying Victim shall be presented, and its real bearing shall be seen by every mind that has been sin blinded and corrupted.

Sinners will stand condemned before the cross, with its mysterious Victim bowing beneath the infinite burden of human transgression.

How quickly will be swept away every subterfuge, every lying excuse! Human apostasy will appear in its heinous character. Men will see what their choice has been. They will then understand that they have chosen Barabbas instead of Christ,...

The invitations of mercy were made a jest, and they denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, and derided the idea of his preexistence before he assumed human nature. But the tattered shreds of human reasoning will be found to be only as ropes of sand in the great day of God."
Signs Of The Times 1895 E.G.W.
And being found in fashion as a man,
he humbled himself,
and became obedient unto death,
even the death of the cross.
Philippians 2:8