Tuesday, October 11, 2016

IN the NEWS - A Lesson of Hurricane Matthew

Men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things
which are coming on the earth:
for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
Luke 21:26
"Satan’s purpose in bringing deadly weather occurrences is to firstly take away the lives of men and women who have not given their lives to Christ so they will no longer have the opportunity to do so,

secondly, to destroy the people of God who have given themselves to the work of rescuing souls from Satan’s grasp, and

thirdly, to accomplish his agenda of having all the world despise the laws of God, substituting in their place the laws of man, so that he will receive worship.
While appearing to the children of men as a great physician who can heal all their maladies, he [Satan] will bring disease and disaster, until populous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. Even now he is at work. In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in every place and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his power. He sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and distress follow. He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are to become more and more frequent and disastrous. Destruction will be upon both man and beast… It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced.”
 The Great Controversy p. 589,590 E.G.W.

Since Hurricane Matthew and the devastation it has brought is being blamed on climate change, there is a push, not only from the scientific community, but also from religionists and politicians that action must be taken now on climate change or these types of disasters will become very frequent. 

 Besides Al Gore, the person campaigning the most aggressively on behalf of combating climate change, who happens to be both a
religious and political figure, is Pope Francis, who has dedicated an entire encyclical on the subject, wherein he gives his “moral” solution to address climate change, which is government-enforced Sunday rest. From the encyclical, he writes,
“On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist has special importance. Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world…The law of weekly rest forbade work on the seventh day, ‘so that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and the son of your maidservant, and the stranger, may be refreshed’ (Ex 23:12). Rest opens our eyes to the larger picture and gives us renewed sensitivity to the rights of others. And so the day of rest, centered on the Eucharist, sheds it light on the whole week, and motivates us to greater concern for nature and the poor.”

In reiteration of the above quote from The Great Controversy, catastrophic events will intensify as well as increase in frequency until the people begin to cry for the strict observance of Sunday, which is an invention and thus the very child of the Papacy.

 Pope Francis has been busily meeting with and gathering
individuals from the political, music/entertainment, scientific and religious arenas to join in the cry for climate change response, and respond they have!

Ironically, just before Hurricane Matthew struck, Leonardo DiCaprio’s film on climate change, “Before the Flood” debuted; coincidental or carefully planned orchestration? It must not be forgotten that DiCaprio met with Pope Francis in early 2016 to discuss solutions for climate change

 Additionally, the timing of the ratification of the Paris climate change agreement must be taken into account. From BBC News, “The European Parliament has backed the ratification of the Paris climate deal, paving the way for the world’s first global agreement… The Paris deal has raced through the UN ratification process in double-quick time. It took eight years to get the previous Kyoto Protocol agreed ‒ and that was nowhere near as comprehensive.”  This agreement is set to take effect in November of this year.

It is evident that Satan and his agents are moving at lightening speed to accomplish their agenda, the enforcement of the Mark of the Beast, mandatory Sunday observance; the question is, are we improving the time and opportunities given us to make sure we have the seal of the living God in our foreheads? Are we sharing with others, how they too can have that experience and how they can be aware of Satan and his devices so they can stay clear of them? I pray God that we will be found having a shelter when the greatest storm, which is coming, relentless in its fury, will break upon the earth."
SavedToServe/Hilari Henriques