Sunday, October 23, 2016

Health Note - Cranberries

I wish above all things that thou mayest .... in health, .....
3 John 1:2
"Cranberries are good for preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and consuming them on a regular basis could cut back on your need for antibiotics thanks to one powerful antioxidant. All berries contain antioxidant compounds call polyphenols.
Cranberries in particular contain a unique type of polyphenol called proanthocyanidins (PACS);
studies have shown that PACS help keep the urinary tract free from a bacteria known for getting stuck in places like your bladder walls or stomach lining and wreaking uncomfortable havoc.  A study by Ocean Spray researchers found that women who consumed a glass of 27 percent cranberry juice every day for six months reduced the number of UTIs they got by 40 percent compared to those who drank a placebo “UTIs are the second most common infection that leads to antibiotic use, and antibiotic resistance is a major health issue right now,”says Christina Khoo, director of research sciences at Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. “We think that cranberry is the nutritional approach to maintaining your urinary tract health.”

Cranberries are nature’s anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the cause of many health conditions such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s, or heart disease. But drinking two 8 oz. glasses of high polyphenol cranberry juice a day could help fight this disease-causing inflammation. The polyphenols interact with other bioactive cranberry compounds to suppress the cells that stimulate inflammation in our bodies and give our immune systems an extra boost. Dietitians recommend foregoing the high sugar cranberry juice blends for an unsweetened or low sugar juice option.

Cranberries are packed with dietary fiber, which may help lower your risk of developing bowel cancer. Dietary fiber creates bulk in your stomach to swiftly move waste through your colon and helps produce butyrate, a substance that inhibits the growth of tumors in your colon and rectum.

PACs and anthocyanins give cranberries their bright red color, but these antioxidants also promote collagen production, which helps keep your skin tight and gives it that youthful glow.

As if cranberry’s antioxidants didn’t work hard enough, they also reduce dental plaque and help prevent gum disease. The PACs have an anti-inflammatory effect that stops periodontal pathogens and bacteria from forming, which keeps your gums and teeth healthy." ReadersDigest