Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Creation Moment 10/5/2016 - Perplexed Evolutionists

"Darren Curnoe.... He asks, “Why are there so many species of bugs, but so few species of human? That question is enveloped in a larger question, “Looking around at the natural world, have you ever wondered why some groups of organisms contain huge numbers of species while others are
seemingly barren?” To both of these, Curnoe offers speculations, but no firm answers from an evolutionary viewpoint.

Just why some groups contain large numbers of species while others don’t has long puzzled biologists. One of the main explanations has been geological age — older groups of organisms are more diverse because they have simply had more time to accumulate greater numbers of species.
Yet, the fact remains that some comparatively young groups of species are remarkably diverse; and conversely, some like the Methanopyri are very ancient but species poor.
Curnoe also addresses the question of why sex evolved. Again, he can offer no firm evolutionary answer. Notice the guesswork without evidence of a law of nature, raising the perhapsimaybecouldness index outside the bounds of science..." CEH
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
Genesis 1:26