Friday, October 21, 2016

Creation Moment 10/22/2016 - Cytochrome b

"Maps have long been used to show the animal kingdom’s range, regional mix, populations at risk and more. Now a new set of maps reveals the global distribution of genetic diversity.
Miraldo and her colleagues gathered geographical coordinates for more than 92,000 records of mitochondrial DNA from 4,675 species of land mammals and amphibians. The researchers compared changes in cytochrome b, a gene often used to measure genetic diversity within a species, and then mapped the average genetic diversity for all species within roughly 150,000 square-kilometer areas.
For both mammals and amphibians, the tropical Andes and the Amazon have high genetic diversity, shown in dark blue. The same is true for mammal species in subtropical regions of South Africa and amphibian species in eastern North America,...
Areas affected by people, such as cities and croplands, show lower genetic diversity." ScienceNews

* The Blooming Rose of God's Creation due to built-in Genetic Diversity to produce different shapes, sizes & colors within each "kind".... And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, Genesis 1:25