Friday, October 14, 2016

Creation Moment 10/15/2016 - Fiction vs. Fact

The remarkable thing about the evolutionary process that produces new species is that it’s brought on by small, random changes in genes.” (Bill Nye, Undeniable)
Many ways to induce mutations are known but none lead to new organisms. Mutation accumulation does not lead to new species or even to new organs or new tissues . . . Even professional evolutionary biologists are hard put to find mutations, experimentally induced or spontaneous, that lead in a
positive way to evolutionary change” (Lynn Margulis, Acquiring Genomes)
The main defense a bacterium has against a phage attack is to somehow modify or reconfigure the protein pattern on its outer membrane. Now, individuals cannot change themselves, as such. Instead, their descendants, their offspring, can have modifications as their DNA is replicated. Random changes may or may not help them resist a phage.” (Bill Nye, Undeniable)
No biologist who knows the current literature would agree with Bill Nye. A bacterium under stress does literally change itself. It re-arranges its own DNA in real time and seeks DNA from other organisms (horizontal gene transfer). By changing its own genome, a bacterium can generate resistance in as little as 30 minutes.
Mutations are the random changes in genes that constitute the raw material for evolution by non-random selection.” (Richard Dawkins, Greatest Show on Earth)
Cells militantly guard against random changes in genes! Their first line of defense is the “SOS” response. In SOS mode, cells rush to repair damage from radiation and copying errors.
Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity” -PZ Myers, from his Pharyngula blog
 “The stimulus associated with placement of the insect egg into the leaf will initiate reprogramming of the plant’s genome, forcing it to make a unique structure adapted to the needs of the developing insect.” -Barbara McClintock, from her Nobel lecture.

The geocentric view of the universe was once embraced by everyone.
Today it’s an embarrassment.
IBM once reigned as the supreme computer supplier.
How many of your friends today own an IBM?
The taxi industry once dominated in every major city.
Now Uber and Lyft are ripping them to shreds." 2.0
Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created:
Psalm 104:30