Friday, September 2, 2016

U Don't Wanna Be This SILVER

Rejected silver they are called,
for the LORD has rejected them.
Jeremiah 6:30 ESV
Matthew Henry's Commentary:
"6:18-30 God rejects their outward services, as worthless to atone for their sins. Sacrifice and incense were to direct them to a
Mediator; but when offered to purchase a license to go on in sin, they provoke God. The sins of God's professing people make them an easy prey to their enemies.
Sinners soon become tempters. They are compared to ore supposed to have good metal in it, but which proves all dross. Nothing will prevail to part between them and their sins. Reprobate silver shall they be called, useless and worthless. When warnings, corrections, rebukes, and all means of grace, leave men unrenewed, they will be left, as rejected of God, to everlasting misery. Let us pray, then, that we may be refined by the Lord, as silver is refined."