Wednesday, September 7, 2016

SDA Issues - "Shame List"?

".....this week Campus Pride, a national non-profit dedicated to helping create safer college campuses for LGBT students, announced its updated Shame List which calls out the “shameful acts of religion-based prejudice.” Andrews University made the list, partly for its refusal to allow an official LGBT+ group on campus.

Andrews University issued a statement in response to the Shame List:
Andrews is proud of its LGBT students, and they have contributed in many important ways to the University’s faith and learning community." spectrum

Actually--Andrews should be on a SHAME LIST, but not for the reasons given above, but rather for
being "PROUD" of their LGBT students (Why are there open LGBT students at Andrews in the first place?).
The LGBT crowd needs spiritual help to overcome their sins, NOT a pat on the back draped in fake love under the guise of CHEAP GRACE. We are talking about souls here...and Andrews is worried about being PC, pandering to the world.
One more thing---- the so-called “shameful acts of religion-based prejudice” simply means that this LGBT group wants NO Biblical morality telling them how to live their lives. The LGBT movement is now bullying Christendom...and Christendom is caving, as her sins reach unto heaven. Folks, this is open rebellion against the Word of God and too many SDA's in leadership have no spiritual backbone to call it out.
IF PAUL were running Andrews would there be an LGBT crowd on campus? IF PAUL were running Andrews would he care about what the world has to say?...Please Read 1 Corinthians 5....
You are so proud of yourselves,
but you should be mourning in sorrow and shame.
And you should remove this man from your fellowship....
Therefore put away from among
yourselves that wicked person.
1 Corinthians 5:2,13
The Message Andrews should give to the LGBT Community is simple: God is NOT homophobic -- rather He is sexual immorality phobic (HE places adultery, fornication, rape, bestiality, cross dressing AND homosexuality ALL in the same category)
God draws the BOUNDARIES with His LAW. When we step outside of them it's called SIN. (He offers JUSTIFICATION to remedy it). But afterwards He expects us to step back within those Boundaries (called SANCTIFICATION ).