Saturday, September 3, 2016

Papal Notes - Yale on Papal GREENing

"On September 24, 2015, Pope Francis spoke to a joint session of the U.S. Congress and the following day he addressed the U.N. General Assembly to highlight the urgent need for climate change action, sustainable development, and ecological conversion.” He was speaking not just to Catholics, but also to all people on the planet. It was at the conclusion of his talk at the U.N. that the new Sustainable Development Goals were unanimously passed by 195 nations. The pope’s moral influence was also present at the COP21 negotiations in Paris where climate justice was a major theme in the discussions. A high-level panel on the Encyclical was held on December 7, 2015, at Notre Dame Cathedral during the U.N. negotiations.

Indeed, it issues a clarion call for awakening to our planetary crisis—not just among 2 billion Christians, but among other religious groups as well. There are more than a billion Muslims, a billion Hindus, a billion Confucians, and nearly 500 million Buddhists, many of whom are hearing this urgent call for change. There

have already been statements of support for the Encyclical from Jewish and Muslim leaders, as well as Hindus and Buddhists.

Pope Francis .... following St. Francis of Assisi, he invokes “Mother Earth in the opening paragraph of the Encyclical. This is a perspective much more familiar to Latin American Catholics.
His evocation of the Canticle of the Sun

similarly places the Encyclical

precisely in the tradition of Franciscan nature mysticism.

It is not only awe and wonder and EVOLUTION  that Pope Francis draws on. He also shifts the Church to a view of nature in line with environmental science." YaleUniversity
  Well, well, well,.....IF you follow evolutionary thinking, then the 7th Day SABBATH loses all meaning out of the context of Creation---hence it becomes easier to justify the venerable day of the sun as a counterfeit know what I'm saying?...
And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
Revelation 16:2