Monday, September 5, 2016

IN the NEWS - Trump's Detroit Speech

"But it was Trump's closing statements that really impressed those
who heard him speak. It was a side of Donald Trump very few have seen on the campaign trail, but those who were on hand said it was a very "genuine moment" for the GOP presidential nominee.
"Now, in these hard times for our country, let us turn again to our Christian heritage to lift up the soul of our nation," he said. "I am so deeply grateful to be here today and it is my prayer that the America of tomorrow—and I mean that—that the America of tomorrow will be one of unity, togetherness, and peace.
"And perhaps we can add the word prosperity. OK? Prosperity.
"I'd like to conclude with a passage from 1 John, Chapter 4. You know it? See, most groups I speak to don't know that. But we know it. If you want, we can say it together: 'No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.' " Charisma

OBSERVATION:...actually, it was a very good speech. And the pull quote here "let us turn again to our Christian heritage to lift up the soul of our nation," is a good thing in general...EXCEPT does he mean it or does he mean uniting church & state?....
Our CHRISTIAN HERITAGE is what made us the greatest country on earth. But now we have strayed with abortion legalized in 1973, Planned parenthood, gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, attacks on religion and of course-when the network of the men's men of the land, ESPN, gives a man an award for "courage" for giving up his manhood and putting on a woman's dress (Bruce Jenner), well a line has been crossed.
IF Trump's line about turning again to our Christian heritage scares you that he could be the one to implement the mark of the beast, it may very well be.-----but on the other side, remember Clinton has a Jesuit running-mate who is in tune with the GREENing of religion by Pope Francis. Also, Hillary supports the evils of Planned Parenthood as well as supports gay marriage and marches in gay pride parades....But Trump has supported those things UNTIL he ran for the G.O.P. nomination. Soooooo who does an SDA vote for? Clinton, Trump, a third party or stay home on election day?