Tuesday, September 6, 2016

IN the NEWS - Robot - Human Marraige?

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind,...
....inventors of evil things,
Romans 1:28,30
"Experts are predicting that sex with robots will become widespread within the next decades – and robots could be better in bed than any fleshy partner, an expert has revealed.

Joel Snell, a robotics expert from Kirkwood College in Iowa, ‘Because they would be programmable,
sexbots would meet each individual user’s needs.’
‘Robotic sex may become addictive. Sexbots would always be available and could never say no, so addictions would be easy to feed.
By the year 2050, sex with robots will be common – and some people may actually fall in love with androids.David Levy from the University of Maastricht predicted that human-robot marriages would take place by 2050." Metro