Saturday, September 10, 2016

"I Will"

I will; be thou clean.
  Mark 1:41
"Primeval darkness heard the Almighty fiat, "light be," and straightway light was,
and the word of the Lord Jesus is equal in majesty to that ancient word of power.
Redemption like Creation has its word of might.
Jesus speaks and it is done.
Leprosy yielded to no human remedies,
but it fled at once at the Lord's "I will."
The sinner is in a plight more miserable than the leper;
let him imitate his example and go to Jesus,
"beseeching Him and kneeling down to Him."
Let him exercise what little faith he has,
even though it should go no further than "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean";
and there need be no doubt as to the result of the application.
Jesus heals all who come, and casts out none.
Christ was made sin for us, although in Himself He knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. O that poor sinners would go to Jesus, believing in the power of His blessed substitutionary work, and they would soon learn the power of His gracious touch. ..
He loves,
He looks,
He touches us,
Charles Spurgeon