Saturday, September 24, 2016

Health Note - An Apple A Day

I wish above all things that thou in health,
3 John 1:2
The adage of “an apple a day keeping the doctor away” is more accurate than you’d think, since the daily dose of an apple deemed healthy for the heart is approximately one per day. 

Digestion: Apples, being rich in fiber, help in the digestive process. Regular consumption of apples ensures smooth bowel movements and helps in preventing constipation and various stomach disorders.

Cancer Prevention: The role of apples in cancer prevention has been a subject of study for some
time, and while they have shown moderate improvement in various types of cancer, particularly breast and colon cancer, the most significant discoveries have been regarding lung cancer.

Weakness: Apples are known to remove weakness and add vigor and vitality to weak people. It is, therefore, often given to patients to help them recover quickly from their illnesses.

Managing Diabetes: Blood sugar control is essential for people who suffer from diabetes, and the polyphenols in apples have been directly linked to reducing the uptake of carbohydrates by the body. This, in turn, reduces the fluctuation of blood sugar levels that occur in the bloodstream, an important factor for helping to keep diabetes in check.

Dental Care: Eating apples helps in cleaning both the teeth and gums. Furthermore, it reduces the incidence of cavities in the teeth. When you eat apples, the fiber in it cleanses the teeth, while the antibacterial properties of the fruit keep bacteria and viruses from infecting the body.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease: As if the other impressive benefits of apples weren’t enough, they also show a positive impact on neurological issues, particularly two of the most tragic conditions, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The antioxidant effects of all the phytonutrient compounds in apples certainly help reduce Alzheimer’s disease, since the degeneration of the brain that leads to Alzheimer’s has been linked to free radical activity. Apples also increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain, which is linked to concentration, problem-solving, and memory. In terms of Parkinson’s, apples stop the gradual breakdown of dopamine-producing nerve cells, which can be an underlying cause of Parkinson’s.

Heart Disease: Apples lower the level of cholesterol in the body, making it a strong defensive mechanism against cardiovascular disease. The antioxidant activity in apples reduces the oxidation of fats, called lipid peroxidation and includes neutralizing triglycerides and various fats found between blood vessels that can exert dangerous pressure.

Skin Care: Pastes made of apple and honey, and apple and milk increase the shine and glow of the skin when topically applied. This is again due to the powerful antioxidants contained in the skin and flesh of apples.
From OrganicFacts