Monday, September 19, 2016

FLOOD stories: in Percentages

And God said unto Noah,
The end of all flesh is come before me;
Genesis 6:13
"There are approximately 270 known Flood stories. Although these traditions have been modified through the ages and some have taken on fantastic elements, most of them have certain basic elements in common:
  • 88% of them single out a favored individual or family.
  • 70% point to survival due to a boat.
  • 66% see the Flood coming as a result of human wickedness.
  • 67% speak of animals saved along with human beings.
  • 57 % record that the survivors end up on a mountain.
  • 66% indicate that the hero receives warning of the coming catastrophe.
Critics sometimes claim that these flood stories came from recent contact with Christian missionaries,but this claim will not stand up; most of the stories were gathered and documented by anthropologists who were uninterested in confirming the truth of the Bible. In addition to this, these common tales of a worldwide flood are filled with fanciful and pagan elements, evidently the result of the telling and re-telling of the story for extended periods of time in a non-Biblical society. It should also be noted that the ancient accounts were written by people who very much opposed the Hebrew-Christian tradition." StandToReason