Thursday, September 8, 2016

Definition of Contemplative Prayer

"Definition of Contemplative Prayer:  A form of Christian mysticism that allegedly brings about a mystical union with God
The mystical “spirituality” that is so popular in evangelical and charismatic circles today is a yearning for an experiential
relationship with God that downplays the role of faith and Scripture and that exalts “transcendental” experiences that lift the individual from the earthly mundane into a higher “spiritual” plane. Biblical prayer is talking with God; mystical spirituality prayer is meditation and “centering” and other such things. Biblical Christianity is a patient walk of faith; mystical spirituality is more a flight of fancy. Biblical study is analyzing and meditating upon the literal truth of the Scripture; mystical spirituality focuses on a “deeper meaning”; it is more allegorical and “transcendental” than literal." — David W. Cloud
But there were false prophets also among the people,
even as there shall be false teachers among you,
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
2 Peter 2:1