Saturday, September 3, 2016

Creation Moment 9/4/2016 - Radiometric dating relies on ASSUMPTIONS

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
Job 38:4
"Radiometric dating relies on three unprovable assumptions about the past:
  1. The amount of ‘daughter’ isotope in the rock at the start is known.
  2. No loss of ‘parent’ or gain of ‘daughter’ since the rock formed (closed system conditions).
  3. Constant decay rate of ‘parent’ to ‘daughter’.
If these conditions could be guaranteed, the radiometric dating method would be correct. However, unless eye–witnesses observed the rock when it formed, and checked it constantly thereafter, it is impossible to guarantee that these assumptions are correct. Indeed, there are many cases in the
scientific literature where assumptions one and two, though made in good faith, have been shown to be unreliable.
Constancy of decay rate (assumption three) implies that a parameter which scientists have been measuring for only a century has been constant for millions of alleged years of Earth’s history. This is of course not only unproven but also unprovable. Decay rates (which can vary greatly today under special conditions) may have been much faster in the past; evidence suggesting this is now being analyzed by a creationist consortium. A good summary of the documented inconsistencies and inaccuracies of radiometric dating is given by Woodmorappe." CMI