Friday, August 19, 2016

The Christians Worldview Template: Genesis 1-11

Euhemerist & Linguist Sir William Jones (1746-1794) the scholar who noticed that the European & Asiatic Indian languages were related (became known as Indo-European Languages) believed in 4 sources of "mythology":

1- Perversion of Historical Truth
2- Enthusiasm for the sun, moon & stars
3- "Magic of Poetry"
4- Allegories of Moralists

So What? you can see traces of knowledge of actual events, tweaked or added too,
over the generations in ancient myths and gods. Apparently after the Babel dispersion, our ancestors carried stories of truth and blended them into their own developing cultures with other post-Babel events and people (such as global flood legends worldwide, etc.)....hence paganism was born.

As Jones wrote..."Either the first eleven chapters of Genesis,...are true, or the whole fabric of our national religion is false."

Genesis 1-11 is actual history, and SOME of the similar tales around the world of the ancients stem from elements surviving in their memories of their past passed down.

The Christians Worldview Template: Genesis 1-11------------
1- The Historicity of Genesis 1-11 lays the ground work of the worlds history, geography, geology and languages as well as the credibility of Scripture.
2- Genesis 1-11 also lays the groundwork for the Biblical Doctrines, which most are rooted in those first 11 chapters of Scripture.
3- Genesis 1-11 has an inverse relationship with the prophecies of Revelation--for it all ends as it began....whether it's gaining access once again to the Tree of Life to the symbolic closing of probation with the door of the ark shutting or the post-flood rebellion beginning at Babel & ending with the fall of spiritual BABYLON (land of Babel).
Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth:
and unto them were sons born after the flood.
Genesis 10:1