Monday, August 8, 2016

SCRIPTURE: Polygenesis {Newtonian} vs. Monogenesis {Einsteinian}

Polygenesis is a view through the prism of Newtonian Physics/Philosophy. Every cosmological entity acts on its own, and through gravitational forces sometimes come into contact with each other while gliding or flowing through time.

* Example: Belief that the sons of Cush began rebelling against God, and through interactions with other family clans, turned them away from God over time. Even culminating in influencing the trek into Shinar, rather than following the will of God to populate the whole earth.

Monogenesis is the Einsteinian Physics/Philosphical prism view through which the whole cosmos are interconnected on the space-matter-time continuum.
* Example: The Great Controversy theme-from the rebellion in the courts of Heaven to the restoration at the end of Revelation. Every part is somehow interlocked in a chain of cosmological events.

Seems both views are correct to some extent.....But in the study of's always best to just simply let Scripture interpret Scripture..SCRIPTURE as its own Prism.... Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine?...For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; Isaiah 28:9,10