Monday, August 29, 2016

Papal Notes - Zuckerberg vs. the Wise Men

The Wise Men from the east gave the baby Jesus, the Messiah, Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
Zuckerberg of Facebook brought from the west, 
to the Little Horn of Daniel a Drone.
.....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3

"Mark Zuckerberg handed over a Facebook drone when he, and his wife Priscilla Chan, met Pope Francis on Monday.
"It was a meeting we'll never forget," Zuckerberg said. "You can feel [the Pope's] warmth and kindness, and how deeply he cares about helping people."
Zuckerberg updated his personal page on Facebook (FB, Tech30) with a photo of himself giving the Pope a model of Aquila, a solar-powered aircraft that Facebook hopes will expand Internet access in developing countries.
"Together they spoke about how to use communications technology
to alleviate poverty,
encourage a culture of encounter,
and to communicate a message of hope,
especially to the most disadvantaged,"
the Vatican Press Office said in a statement.
Zuckerberg announced his trip to Italy last week after the country was struck by a devastating earthquake. He has scheduled a live question and answer session for later on Monday, and said he was "looking forward to spending time with our Italian community."

The tech CEO has said Rome is a special city to him. He honeymooned there with Chan, and says he is a student of Latin and Classical history." CNNmoney