Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Let the Author Finish

"The precious time of probation is passing, and few realize that it is given them for the purpose of preparing for eternity.
The golden hours are squandered
*in worldly pursuits,
*in pleasure,
*in absolute sin.
God's law is slighted and forgotten, yet every statute is nonetheless binding.
Every transgression will bring its punishment.

Love of worldly gain leads to desecration of the Sabbath,
yet the claims of that holy day are not abrogated or lessened.
God's command is clear and unquestionable on this point;
He has peremptorily forbidden us to labor upon the seventh day.
He has set it apart as a day sanctified to Himself. 
Many are the hindrances that lie in the path of those who would walk in obedience to the commandments of God.
There are strong and subtle influences that bind them to the ways of the world, but the power of the Lord can break these chains.
Light from heaven will illuminate the darkness of those,
who, in trial and perplexity, go forward,
looking unto Jesus as the Author and Finisher of their faith."
Testimonies For The Church vol.4,p.147 E.G.W.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;
Hebrews 12:2