Monday, August 1, 2016

IN the NEWS - Playing "God"?

"Droughts in places such as the the US and China are one of the biggest constraints on their farming
industries, which is why scientists are working to eradicate the the prolonged dry seasons.
They will do this by putting chemicals in the sky.
Before it rains, the moisture particles in the air condense and cool on smaller particles like dust which is how clouds are formed.
Once enough of the particles have come together and the clouds get heavier, then it begins to rain.
By ploughing chemicals into the clouds that will lower the temperature of the clouds which will ultimately give more material for the moisture to build on.
They hope that this will speed the process up and rain sooner." Express

QUESTION: Will this manipulating weather by man add to natural disasters that help usher in end time events? Instead of the predicted doom-by-air conditioners & driving cars (according to the "climate change" crowd) will it instead be these very "climate" scientists, playing "God", who end up causing more harm than good? Just a question.....

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High.
Isaiah 14:14