Sunday, August 14, 2016

IN the NEWS - Mrs. Clinton & Planned Parenthood

They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons,..

And shed innocent blood,
even the blood of their sons and of their daughters,
.........and the land was polluted with blood.

Psalm 106:37,38

"In one of Planned Parenthood’s newest disturbing schemes, women now can both register to vote and have their unborn babies aborted in its facilities across the country.
The Hill reports Planned Parenthood just announced its plans to begin helping people register to vote at its facilities in 45 states. The abortion group said volunteers will help patients register to vote in person or online.
The abortion group says people can register at a Planned Parenthoodregardless of their background, beliefs or political ideology”; but Planned Parenthood is hardly unbiased. It is throwing all its weight behind pro-abortion candidate Hillary Clinton for president.
In January, Planned Parenthood endorsed Clinton in its first-ever presidential primary endorsement. It recently called Clinton the “strongest” pro-abortion presidential candidate “we’ve ever seen.” LifesiteNews