Tuesday, August 2, 2016

IN the NEWS - DNC Prayer to “God of many names.”

"An invocation by a Methodist pastor at the Democratic National Convention last week called on Hillary supporters to pray to a “God of many names.”
O God of many names, we know that You call us to work hard to bring people together,” Reverend Bill Shillady opened his remarks during the last night of the Democratic National Convention.
The comments carry eerily ominous tones portending a one world religion, in which one prescribed “God” would rule all, and dovetail sentiments espoused by Pope Francis calling for “a new humanity” and insisting Christians and Muslims both “worship the one God…” InfoWars

1) This pyscho-babel is what is to be expected by those who have no fear of GOD-it is disrespectful
2) The GOD of Christianity is NOT the same as allah
3) The Methodist Church should censor this pastor-but they won't
4) If others want to pray to their deity...in a free society they should be allowed to offer their prayers seperatly...BUT blurring who GOD is by a so-called Christian pastor is INEXCUSABLE. Do you think Paul would have offered that prayer???
Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
Deuteronomy 5:7