Monday, August 15, 2016

Creation, Providence & Grace

Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.
  Ephesians 1:11
"Our belief in God's wisdom supposes and necessitates that He has a settled purpose and plan in the work of salvation. What would creation have been without His design?
And shall God be present in creation,
ruling over all,
and not in grace
Who knoweth not that not a sparrow falleth to the ground without your Father? Even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
God weighs the mountains of our grief in scales,
and the hills of our tribulation in balances.
And shall there be a God in providence
and not in grace?
He sees in its appointed place, not merely the corner-stone which
He has laid in fair colors, in the blood of His dear Son, but He beholds in their ordained position each of the chosen stones taken out of the quarry of nature, and polished by His grace; He sees the whole from corner to cornice, from base to roof, from foundation to pinnacle. He hath in His mind a clear knowledge of every stone which shall be laid in its prepared space, and how vast the edifice shall be, ..."
Charles Spurgeon