Sunday, August 7, 2016

Creation Moment 8/8/2016 - Planet Series: NEPTUNE

"Neptune is the eighth of the nine known planets in our solar system. An enormous gas giant, it is about 17 times the mass of the Earth. Among other things, naturalistic theories say that Neptune shouldn’t exist!
Neptune has winds that rage at almost 1,300 mph, the strongest measured in the solar system.

*And Neptune is nowhere near as cold as evolutionary theory predicts. Instead, it actually generates
heat, radiating into space over twice the energy it receives from the Sun. This fits the Creation model very well, as a young Neptune could easily still be cooling off a few thousand years after its creation. However, this does not fit the evolutionary/long-age model, as many evolutionists have acknowledged. Overall, with its raging winds, dynamic atmosphere, and heat generation, Neptune appears quite young.

*Voyager expedition measurements of Neptune’s magnetic field also upset evolutionary theories. Three years earlier, Voyager had flown by the planet Uranus, discovering that Uranus’s magnetic field is tilted relative to the planet’s spin axis, and offset from the planet’s centre. Both these characteristics contradict the evolutionary ‘dynamo’ model of planetary magnetism (this hypothetical ‘self-generating’ mechanism for sustaining a magnetic field is essential for long-agers, because without some renewal such fields decay away to nothing in only a few thousand years).

*The gas giants are supposed to have formed at the outer reaches of the solar system because it was cold enough there for ice to condense, making the growing planetoid massive enough to attract gas.
Unfortunately for evolutionists, Neptune doesn’t fit that model. An article in a (pro-evolution) astronomy magazine explained it this way:
‘Pssst … astronomers who model the formation of the solar system have kept a dirty little secret: Uranus and Neptune don’t exist. Or at least computer simulations have never explained how planets as big as the two gas giants could form so far from the sun. Bodies orbited so slowly in the outer parts of the sun’s protoplanetary disk that the slow process of gravitational accretion would need more time than the age of the solar system to form bodies with 14.5 and 17.1 times the mass of Earth.
So even if the solar system really were 4.5 billion years old, as evolutionists believe, we would still be 5.5 billion years short of the time necessary for Uranus and Neptune to have formed by themselves. This is why the Astronomy magazine said that, according to evolution, ‘Uranus and Neptune don’t exist.
Why then would we want to put our faith in these sorts of fables, invented by sinful man? Far better to place our faith in the living Word of God, the Bible. Its historicity, accuracy and reliability are above reproach!" CMI
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,...
Hebrews 11:3