Saturday, August 27, 2016

Creation Moment 8/28/2016 - SDA's study Creationism in Iceland

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
Psalm 8:4
"Seventy-five mostly European delegates converged on Iceland this month for a major faith and science conference organized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Geoscience Research Institute.
Event organizer and institute director L. James Gibson said the unique nature and beauty of the Icelandic countryside may have made it particularly easy to attract presenters to the European Faith and Science Conference in Hlíðardalsskóli, located 30 miles (45 kilometers) east of Iceland’s capital,
Reykjavik. In addition to an enthusiastic and knowledgeable local geologist, 14 experts lectured on plate tectonics, fossils and the geologic column, and on practical subjects that directly affect the classroom.
Raúl Esperante, a paleontologist with the Loma Linda, California-based Geoscience Research Institute, took a close look at evolution in school textbooks and demonstrated how the teachings often hang onto old models not even recognized by modern evolutionary science.
Suzanne Phillips, chair of Earth and Biological Sciences at Loma Linda University, dug down into molecular structure and looked at how the minute machines within the molecule point to a Creator.
Every time I learn about a new process, I really feel I learn something new about God,” she said.
As a biologist, she added, “I have the privilege of studying about God more than any theologian.”