Monday, August 22, 2016

Creation Moment 8/23/2016 - Morality & Evolution

"If Darwin’s theory of origins is true, evil doesn’t exist, and notions of morality are up for grabs.
Some try to evolve altruism with theoretical models, using game theory to show cooperation emerging in a population of selfish individuals (whether bacteria or humans) without planning. These fail to explain why an individual would send money to help unrelated individuals on the other side of the world.

Something appears truly wrong with humanity. We see vast capacity for good set against unspeakable evil. But evolutionists cannot consider the source to be ideas. They cannot bring themselves to compare a religion that produces terror to be worse than one that produces hospitals. When Darwin accounted for all life by a mindless, purposeless, amoral natural law called “natural selection,” standards for morality went out the window." CEH
And the light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1:5