Friday, August 19, 2016

Creation Moment 8/20/2016 - Language of Life

In the beginning
God created..
Genesis 1:1
"A question they might ask could be: What would make a language system arise by chance, which can organize itself into words to
spell out things and then organize the words being spelled into sentences to convey information that other beings can read and understand? The answer? NOTHING!
Either AN INTELLIGENT MIND CREATED THE LETTERS of this LANGUAGE SYSTEM which can be organized into words, sentences, paragraphs, books, etc to convey information which is meaningful or, they COULD NOT EXIST!
Similarly, an intelligent mind created all the coding systems and building blocks for EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! Otherwise, there would be nothing meaningful we can even understand!
In fact, we wouldn't be here at all, sort of like the word "DARWIN" wouldn't exist on paper if the letters comprising his name were never invented by an intelligent mind." FromDarwinToDrawing