Friday, July 15, 2016

SDA Issues - Alex Bryan the Wolf

Is Alex Bryan a WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING within the Church? This is the guy who led a congregation out of the church, eventually into Sunday keeping. He eventually came back into the Church----but HAS HE?
Read part of a sermon he recently gave below.....

"What was, and is the purpose of being an Adventist? What should be our purpose in the future?  What made, and makes, our work
unique? What should give us distinction in the days to come? If we remain a movement, in what ways must we move? If we remain a dynamic church, ever seeking present, progressive truth, where are the places we must innovate? In what ways ought the new post-prophet century resemble the last one, and in what ways might the new century (if the church is to be healthy and alive) grow and change in new ways?
What would happen if we started to celebrate Atheists fighting disease in Africa, Catholics feeding the hungry in India, Presbyterians preaching the Gospel in New York, and Quakers waging peace wherever they are?" Alex Bryan

* "new post-prophet century"...What that slight on the church by "progressives" means is that it's been a century (1915) since E.G.W. died. This is always a dig by those who don't like the Church's doctrines. In other words, they don't like our focus on prophecy because the end hasn't come yet.....but allow me to point out to Mr. Bryan, it's only been roughly a century & a half since the Judgment began, the world has now become a global village, (which would be required for the mark of the beast) it's now become like the days of Lot (Sodom) in just the last 3 years across America and I could go on...
*  Why would we need to "celebrate Atheists" doing anything? Who cares what your worldview is when fighting disease anywhere in the world? Why would you even ask what their worldview is?
* Why celebrate "Catholics feeding the hungry" anywhere? Well IF anyone, Catholic or not, feeds the hungry, good for them....what else does Mr. Bryan want from the Church?
* Why celebrate "Presbyterians preaching the Gospel in New York"? Is Mr. Bryan a Calvinist? Maybe as an SDA pastor, he should be focused on the SDA Church spreading the Gospel, if he wants to worry about what Reformed Churches are doing in NY, he can go get sprinkled at a Reformed baptism service... just saying....
* As for "Quakers waging peace wherever they are"... maybe Mr. Bryan can wage peace rather than trying to glorify a religion which many in it no longer even claim to be Christians anymore.
In SUMMARY: We all know what he really is getting at. He wants the Church to be ecumenical and take it's eyes off of the 3 Angel's Message, the beauty of the Sanctuary Doctrine, etc. This man still has a problem in his heart with Adventism and its having a special place in history. EXHIBIT A: "If we remain a dynamic church, ever seeking present, progressive truth, where are the places we must innovate? ..... grow and change in new ways?" ----this man obviously still has a problem with Adventism...He can't be satisfied in the Truth for some reason...
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15