Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Response to Atheist Top 10

This is my RESPONSE to the ATHEIST TOP 10 REASONS for NOT believing in God....
{my RESPONSE in Silver}
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
1.   If we truly had one creator speaking to prophets, it would do so consistently, not contradictory as thousands of different religions have proven.
{Uhm.....that's a simple minded argument...false religions don't disprove that God exists. The Bible tells that there are false gods, and Romans 1 lays out how that came about....Hey, does the fact that multiple evolutionary schools of that, that contradict, automatically in & of it self disprove that any one of them might be true? No...}
2.   “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?” – Epicurus
{That precisely is why He's God....He gives us free will--& when our first parents disobeyed--the floodgates to pain. suffering & death were opened....for example, God instructs you not to have sex outside marriage. So if you choose to do so, and get VD or AIDS, how's that God's fault? And if man raises up his heart for political power, using evolutionary eugenics as a crutch, and implements the holocaust---who's fault is that really?---man's fault, and all the pain, suffering & death upon the innocent along with it. Or if man stubbornly demands evolution taught in schools, and 2 teenage boys with that mindset walk into  a Columbine, Colorado school, one wearing a shirt with Darwinian rhetoric, and massacre people--who's "fault" is it really?}
3.   It is better to find your own answers and make an educated decision, than to intentionally remain
uneducated and make a fearful one.
 {Weak minded premise trotted out by atheists. People educate themselves & draw a different conclusion than you Mr. atheist. Because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make one uneducated.}
4.    If I were to astonishingly find myself face to face with a supreme being, I would expect to be judged on my life as a humanist, and how I treated others, (just as most Christians plan to be judged on character, not on the actual Ten Commandments). If my positive actions were ignored, and I was instead judged on using my intelligence to doubt religious doctrines created by human sinners, I would rather be eternally punished than bow to such an unfair tyrant who made things seemingly impossible for humans to succeed at this horrific game.
{Our character is judged by the standard set in the 10 Commandments. That's why it's under the Judgment Seat, in the Ark of the Covenant, in the Most Holy Place.}
5.   Even though all religions exist, there is no such scientific evidence that will favor any one of them. Books written in the ancient times were by people who didn’t have an understanding of the scientific aspect of the world. They were mere observers when they wrote the books, with no evidential backing to support their claims. These books are not worthy of being taken seriously even if they have a fan base of millions. Many superstitions are still followed all over the world that is laughed upon by people from other countries. Religious followers all the time ask atheists to prove the non-existence of God but are in a fix when asked to prove the existence of God. So if no one can satisfactorily provide evidence of existence, why follow?
{Where do I begin?...We'll just say that SCIENCE today, especially genetics, undermines evolution. One can go through this blog and read hundreds upon hundreds of posts dealing with scientific objections to Darwinian macro-evolution.}
6.   It amazes me on the amount of time religious followers spend in supporting their beliefs. They pray, chant, preach, sing hymns, bow, mumble, kneel, make unnatural movements with their bodies, wear special garments, lockets, do fast, visit swamis and gurus, visit extremely hard to reach ‘religious’ places, do pilgrimage, rituals etc. But is there any evidence that these activities promote the personal well-being of a person and give positive results? The answer is no. Many disasters have occurred in places of religious worship, followers have been brutally murdered, exposed to accidents and natural calamities. The time and energy spent in such activities is tremendous but serves little purpose.
{YES-There is EVIDENCE: }

 7.   I will not follow any laws or rules which teach rape, murder, and evil and to follow blindly without questioning.
{In the 10 Commandments of God, His Law which is the standard you are judged by, where does it teach that? ....but hey, doesn't your precious Darwinian Law teach "survival of the fittest"?}
8.   I always strive for the truth, and anything that hinders me from doing so I cannot put my trust in.
 {Christians say the SAME I guess we agree on at least one thing}
9.   What I have seen religion do to people horrifies me. Everything from people strapping bombs to
their chest to murdering innocent people.
{If you are referring to what Islam is doing--it's a false religion. What hinders us from saying so in the public arena is the poison of pluralism today. But when it comes to kill killing the innocent & wreaking havoc on the earth--one need look no farther than the last century to atheistic communism setting up godless states--Stalin, Pol Pot, Hoxha, Mao, Castro brothers, etc.---and let's not forget Hitler & what he unleashed in the name of evolutionary eugenics. Or the history of Shark Island in the name of evolution.}
10. Reading Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Charles Darwin, Bill Maher and having conversations with my step-dad, my high school Biology teacher and many more amazingly smart people.
{Christians can say the same---such as Ravi Zacharias, Doug Batchelor, Dr. John Carter, Dr. John C. Sanford, Steve Wohlberg, ICR, CMI, AIG, etc.....}

 TOP 10 LIST adapted from original written by David Smalley of Dogma Debate