Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Papal Notes - NAR & Francis

....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3
"Pope himself is interested in making overtures to NAR leaders—and specifically to NAR prophets. The Pope made some curious statements about prophets during his opening comments of the meeting, according to Vallotton, a senior leader at Bethel Church in Redding, Calif., and an influential prophet in the NAR. Vallotton seemed personally flattered by the comments and posted them on his webpage following the meeting. He writes:
This week I had the privilege of meeting with Pope Francis. It was probably one of the highlights of my life. He was funny, warm and very spiritual.
I was invited, along with several other pastors, to a small connect forum with Pope Francis because he has a deep passion for unity among Believers – and I do mean DEEP!
We spent about two hours asking him questions about whatever was on our hearts. His opening comments blessed me. He said, “We must invite the prophets back into the church and welcome them with open arms.” I thought it was interesting that this was his opening comment. Of course, many of the pastors looked over and smiled at me.
Why would the Pope say the church must welcome prophets—including (apparently) the very NAR prophets he was addressing during the meeting—with open arms?" SpiritOfError

What is NAR you ask?
"The apostolic-prophetic movement (also known as the “New
Apostolic Reformation”) is a fast-growing movement that has arisen within Protestant Christianity that promotes modern-day apostles and prophets with great authority, supernatural powers, and the ability to give new doctrinal revelation. Advocates of this movement believe that all people, nations, and demonic principalities must submit to these apostles and prophets, who will lead God’s end-times army in establishing His kingdom on earth. This once-fringe movement has
entered many Pentecostal and charismatic churches." SOE