Friday, July 8, 2016

One 3rd of the 3-fold ascription of Holy, Holy, Holy

Thy good Spirit.
  Nehemiah 9:20
"Common, too common is the sin of forgetting the Holy Spirit. This is folly and ingratitude. He deserves well at our hands, for He is good, supremely good. As God, He is good essentially.
He shares in the threefold ascription of Holy, holy, holy, which ascends to the Triune Jehovah.
He is good officially; whether as Comforter, Instructor, Guide, Sanctifier, Quickener, or Intercessor, He fulfils His office well, and each work is fraught with the highest good to the church of God.
They who yield to His influences become good, they who obey His impulses do good...
...let us hourly seek His aid, and never grieve Him; and let us speak to His praise whenever occasion occurs. The church will never prosper until more reverently it believes in the Holy Ghost. He is so good and kind, that it is sad indeed that He should be grieved by slights and negligences."
Charles Spurgeon