Thursday, July 7, 2016

IN the NEWS - War on Christianity comes to Iowa

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, ....haters of God,...
Romans 1:28,30
"Is a church a place of public accommodation and if so – are congregations required to follow anti-discrimination laws regarding gender and sexual orientation?
That’s the issue raised by a brochure published by the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. They contend that any church that opens its doors to the public would be required to comply with sexual orientation and gender identity laws.
First Liberty Institute is representing Cornerstone World Outreach, a Sioux City church that fears it may be in violation of the statute.
Hiram Sasser, the law firm’s director of litigation, said the Commission’s brochure means churches would be required to let transgender individuals use the bathrooms of their choice.
It further compels our client to use specific pronouns when referring to certain ‘gender identities’ and prohibits our client from even teaching its religious beliefs,” Sasser said.

Cornerstone World Outreach cannot be made to open its restrooms for use by individuals in accordance with their gender identities, rather than their sex assigned at birth,” Sasser said.
Just so liberals won’t accuse me of taking this out of context – I’m going to provide you with the entire answer:
Does this law apply to churches? Sometimes.  Iowa law provides that these protections do not apply to religious institutions with respect to any religion-based qualifications when such qualifications are related to bona fide religious purpose. Where qualifications are not related to a bona fide religious purpose, churches are still subject to the law’s provisions. (e.g. a child care facility operated at a church or a church service open to the public.”
A few thoughts here, folks:
Does that mean churches must allow men who identify as women to use the bathrooms of their choice during Wednesday night church suppers? Are congregations required to let transgender folks play on the church softball teams of their choice? What about church-related sporting events for children? Are those events covered under the law?
And which government agency decides what is and what is not a “bona fide religious purpose”?
But the most concerning part of the policy involves the public accommodation clause. The Commission states that churches that open their services to the public would have to comply with the law.
Well, that covers just about every church in the state – Churches want everyone to attend their services – saints and sinners.
Attorney Youman tells me if the rules are enforced, it could lead to significant trouble for people of faith.
The state claims it has the power to regulate what the church even teaches – what they are allowed to say from the pulpit – in addition to how they operate regarding matters of gender and sexuality,” she said. “If the church has a doctrine or theology that is at odds with the state and they speak out about that – they can have the full weight of the law brought down against them.”  ToddStarnes/FOX