Monday, July 4, 2016

IN the NEWS - UMC REBELLION against Scripture

The Worldly ENMITY for the WORD of GOD, that is sweeping through the ranks of all Christendom as it relates to the LGBT topic, is on full display in the United Methodist Church now. (It should be pointed out that the following article by some in the UMC does NOT reflect the views of all laity in that Church. Some Methodists still hold to the Word of God on such things).

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
1 Samuel 15:23

"....The United Methodist Church (The UMC). On the heels of the 2016 General Conference, the Spirit of God is now raising up three openly gay candidates for the office of bishop for election at the meetings of the Western and North Central Jurisdictions in just a few weeks.
Building on the courage and work of the saints who have gone before, Rev. Dr. Karen Oliveto, Rev. Frank Wulf, and Rev. David Meredith are called by God to serve the church in sharing their gifts of visionary leadership for the life of the world.
These candidates for election to the office of bishop come to this moment in history just as the General Conference — the governing body of The UMC — shifted its own weight toward a vision these candidates have been announcing for years as preachers of the gospel. The vote to establish a commission to examine and offer revision to anti-LGBTQ policy united a majority of delegates around the common desire to end discrimination and division. The vote, an expression of the Spirit’s leading, inaugurates a new moment in the life of The United Methodist Church that continues to grow and grow as Annual Conferences around the US resolve to ordain openly LGBTQ clergy, to affirm the image of God in our transgender siblings, and to publicly declare an unwillingness to conform with all aspects of anti-LGBTQ policy." UnitedMethodistInsight