Tuesday, July 26, 2016

IN the NEWS - Tim LaHaye dead at 90

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:11
"Fellow End-Times Author on Tim LaHaye: I'm Saddened He Didn't Get to Be Raptured
Iconic author, speaker and prophet Tim LaHaye died Monday at age 90, igniting mourning through the evangelical community and beyond.  
LaHaye authored scores of books, including prophetic tomes, Bible studies and his exceedingly popular Left Behind series with co-author Jerry B. Jenkins.
Fellow end times writer Joel C. Rosenberg also posted his remarks
I'm thrilled for my friend @Dr_Tim_LaHaye as he spends his first day in heaven, but saddened that he didn't get to be raptured!" Charisma

Whether LaHaye passes his judgment is up to God now that his probation has closed. But Mr. Rosenberg lamenting that LaHaye won't be raptured (referring to the myth known as the "secret rapture" )that LaHaye deceived many with, is sad in itself. It is the biggest false doctrine that is easy to refute.