Friday, July 8, 2016

Creation Moment 7/9/2016 - 3 Suns for Planet

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,
Hebrews 11:3
Look at another example of diversity of the Creation pointing to DESIGN
"....a strange solar system 320 light years from our own, scientists have spotted a planet with three suns that rise in the morning and
set at night.
Researchers say the planet, called HD 131399Ab,....
Scientists say it takes 550 years for the planet to complete its journey around the biggest star in the system, which is 80% more massive than our sun.
The planet’s other two suns are tightly linked in an 18-year orbit around each other. The larger of these two stars is about the same size as our sun, the other is just a little more than half that size.
For one-half of the planet’s long year, all three suns rise in the morning and set in the evening. For the other half of the year, the two smaller suns rise just as the large sun sets, providing this planet an endless day.
You can imagine the triple sunrises and triple sunsets occur when the planet is opposite all three stars,” said Kevin Wagner, a PhD student at the University of Arizona and the first author on the paper. “But when it is in between them, the single star and the tight binary stars will grow in apparent separation in the sky until the setting of the large star coincides with the rising of the other two stars.”  LosAngelesTimes