Saturday, July 30, 2016

Creation Moment 7/31/2016 - Starlight Eyes

The moon and stars to rule by night:
for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 136:9
"Human eyes are capable of detecting a single photon — the tiniest possible speck of light — new research suggests.
Researchers also found that the human eye is more sensitive to single photons shortly after it has seen another photon. This was “an unexpected phenomenon that we just discovered when we analyzed the data,” says physicist Alipasha Vaziri.
Additionally, the data indicate that single photons may be able to prime the brain to detect more dim flashes that follow. When participants had seen another photon in the preceding 10 seconds, they had better luck picking out the photon.
Scientists hope to use the technique to test whether humans can directly observe quantum weirdness. Photons can be in two places at once, a state known as a quantum superposition.
Vaziri says, “If you are somewhere outside of a city in nature and on a moonless night and you have only stars to navigate, on average the number of photons that get into your eye is approaching the single photon regime.” So, he says, having eyes sensitive enough to see single photons may have some evolutionary advantage." ScienceNews

This level of complexity was DESIGNED for humans to navigate at night "in nature and on a moonless night and you have only stars to navigate"--since in the beginning that would be the world man was in-before electricity. GOD is very WISE in HIS DESIGN.