Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Creation Moment 7/13/2016 - Did Trees Evolve?

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,
Genesis 1:11
"Did trees evolve or were they created? Tree cells use suites of enzymes to construct wood. Their extraordinary precision and ingenious design defy tree evolution.

The beauty and variety in tree leaf shapes and textures also defies

144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan
evolution. If all trees descended from a single tree ancestor, as evolutionary dogma asserts, then why did nature not select a plain leaf shape that merely executes photosynthesis most efficiently? Instead, tree leaves come in a delightful array of intriguing varieties, apparently intended to reveal the Creator’s appreciation for variety.

And fossils show no evidence of evolutionary transition from non-
wood plants to woody trees. Fully woody trees suddenly appear as fossils, just as they appear fully formed today.

Instead of natural processes slowly evolving trees, a supernatural process appears to have suddenly created them." ICR