Tuesday, June 21, 2016


How is Greg Boyd being given a platform the Adventist Forum Conference in Silver Spring, Maryland? How do these men get respect by leaders and Doug Batchelor gets banned in Florida or Walter Veith banned in Germany by church "leaders"?
ALSO- "Greg Boyd. He is senior pastor of the 4,000 member Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. He holds an M.Div degree from Yale Divinity School and a Ph.D from Princeton Theological Seminary. His church is affiliated with the Baptist Church."-----FROM 2009- "In fact, one of the objectives of The Good News Tour is to bring the Good News of God’s transforming love to Seventh Day Adventists and everyone else who may be entrapped in legalism."

Boyds' Q & A & my responses in blue:
"Dr. Greg Boyd is the keynote speaker for the upcoming Adventist Forum Conference in Silver Spring, Maryland titled Non-violence and the Atonement. In this Q & A with Adventist Forum board member Carmen Lau, Boyd describes his ministry, his views on God's non-violence, and why he is hesitant to self-describe as Evangelical.
We live at an exciting juncture of history. The traditional triumphant understanding of the church, known as “Christendom,” is crumbling. [NO-it's not "crumbling"...we have the usual mixt multitude doing what they always do--trying to fit Scripture into
THEIR worldview---nothing new here---.. there is no new thing under the sun. Eccl. 1:9] Out of its rubble is rising a grass-roots global movement of people who are captivated by the vision of a Jesus-looking God raising up a Jesus-looking people to transform the world in a Jesus-kind of way.  [what exactly does that emergent church new age-ish babbel mean?] And as this new kingdom wine is bursting the old wineskins of Christendom, believers and skeptics alike are being forced to rethink everything they thought they knew about the Christian faith and life [REALLY?...only those who don't know their Bible's are] .......
With the rise of the penal substitution view of the atonement, the western church began to think of salvation increasingly in legal categories. God has thus come to be viewed as the judge,
[HE IS THE JUDGE--in the MOST HOLY PLACE.--Here we go with a subtle swipe at the Sanctuary] humans as the guilty defendants, [we are guilty, our sins are the reason He dies up on a cross--never forget that] and Jesus as our defense attorney who allows us to be acquitted by suffering our sentence in our place. [Try reading Isaiah 53 or Zechariah 3, the books of Hebrews & Daniel, etc. please---Scripture contradicts you Mr. Boyd].

As a result, salvation has come to be thought of primarily as an acquittal (escaping hell) that people receive when they simply believe that Jesus did this for them. [It is an "acquittal"----oh I'm starting to get it---you believe in the new theology - "Cheap Grace"] Among the many unfortunate consequences of this view is the fact that Christianity has become much more focused on how
we benefit in the afterlife from what God has done for us in Christ than it is focused on the beautiful things God wants to do in our present life—the relationship God wants with us, the character that God wants to cultivate in us, and the things God wants to accomplish through us now. [Who says you can't focus on both? This type of non-sensical rhetoric is used by the emerging church types as a way to intimidate their opponents into viewing God as simply love--never stern. But God is both stern & loving....ever heard of the Lake of Fire at the end of this Great Controversy between God & His opponent? {stern} AND how He leans over to wipe away all tears from the eyes of the saints {loving}? Why is Mr. Boyd speaking at an SDA event?]
....While legal metaphors are sometimes used to express salvation in the New Testament, the dominant way of expressing salvation is as a marriage covenant. [Both are used in the NT because both apply. Here we go again with the either/or of emergent theology. But to be part of the "marriage feast" one has to pass through Justification, Sanctification & Judgment. How does Boyd NOT get this?] Salvation is not primarily about being acquitted by God. Nor is it primarily about the afterlife. Rather, salvation is primarily about becoming part of “the bride of Christ” and participating in—and being transformed by—the fullness of God’s life that he opens up for us in the present." [To be part of the "Bride of Christ", one has to be acquitted, then the "afterlife" becomes the reward for the "Bride of Christ" How does Boyd not understand this? And why again is he a guest "speaker"?].

 ...there shall be false teachers among you,
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,..
2 Peter 2:1
Oh, and there is this from Boyd (who apparently narrowly survived a vote to be kicked out of the Baptist Church for his nonsense)

“In this light, it is important to recognize that this century has witnessed a revolution in all of these fields of learning in terms of how we see the world. We have been shifting from a static to a thoroughly dynamic understanding of reality. . . . The most fundamental challenge this shift poses for Christian theology is this: The classical view of God and of creation was thoroughly influenced by, and is logically tied to, the old understanding of reality. Hence, the more influential the dynamic understanding of reality becomes in our culture, the more out of sync classical theology will be with our culture. . . . . Therefore, there is no reason for theology to resist the paradigmatic shift occurring in our culture. On the contrary, there are actually good grounds for embracing and celebrating much of it” (Gregory A. Boyd,God of the Possible: A Biblical Introduction to the Open View of God [Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2000], 107-109).

Now you can apply more of 2 Peter 2:1--even denying the Lord that bought them,

AGAIN--WHY is this man invited to speak an SDA event? Even the Baptist tried to kick him out? And WHO sent the invitation?

Mark your calendar now for the 2016 Adventist Forum Conference in the Washington DC area. Pastor and theologian Greg Boyd headlines a weekend of presentations on Non-violence and the Atonement.

Call (916) 774-1080 for more information.
Early registration available soon!

Other Participants:
Clifford Goldstein, Jean Sheldon, Ron Osborn, Keisha McKenzie

Suffering God's "Wrath": Confronting Violent Atonement Theory
Divine Aikido: How God Overcomes Evil
The Cruciform Life: Living out the way of the Cross
Q: What is Cliff Goldstein doing there? I thought he was a defender of the Sanctuary Doctrine?
And what is DIVINE AKIDO? --"Aikido is often referred to as the “Art of Peace.” The founder, Morihei Ueshiba, known by his students as O’Sensei, declared that we must stop fighting. In order to bring about Peace in the world, we must first eliminate the discord within ourselves. This mission can be accomplished through the unification of mind, body and spirit. Through regular practice and the ongoing development of the Self, one can experience the joys of living a harmonious life fully present in the here and now." Akido
But hey, it's sponsored by Spectrum, so are you really surprised, except the part about Cliff Goldstein participating?