Tuesday, June 7, 2016

IN the NEWS - What Just Happened in Israel?

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts
 of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Romans 1:24
"Think back to a decade ago. One could scarcely imagine that there would be a beauty pageant featuring individuals identifying as transgender; what’s even more unfathomable is that these models are representing various world religions showing that the religions are uniting to glorify the “beauty” of transgenderism. Interestingly, this unprecedented beauty pageant that took place May 27, 2016, was held in Israel in the attempt to display tolerance in the areas of religion and also sexual identity.

Israel’s first transgender beauty pageant, won by a Christian Arab on Friday, brought together
contestants from the Holy Land’s main faiths in an unconventional show of tolerance and coexistence. In what organisers described as an ethnic ‘mosaic,’ the 12 vying for the Miss Trans Israel 2016 crown included a Jewish confectioner from an Orthodox Jerusalem family, a Muslim belly-dancer from Tel Aviv and a Christian ballerina from Nazareth. The Christian, Taleen Abu Hanna, won and will represent Israel at the Miss Trans Star International pageant in Barcelona in September – a role she will evidently relish.”

Another news report recounts, “Friday’s competition in Tel Aviv is the country’s first of its kind — and brings together Jews, Christians and Muslims in a region known more for its deep divisions. ‘Here I don’t feel Muslim, Jewish, Christian,’ Khouri said. ‘All of the people are together and the transsexual [people], they love together.’Pageant judge Efrat Tilma agrees that the event is ‘bonding people.’‘We can show the world that we are really for peace, this competition is for peace,’ the 70-year-old added…”

This is truly disturbing, that something that is a twisted perversion of reality, a mental sickness– the idea that one can determine his/her gender by his/her own thoughts, feelings and/or choosing—is now being paraded as beautiful.

In order to combat this immorality, the conservative classes will compel civil leaders, most of which are affiliated with particular religious groups, to get back to God in the form of legislated morality, specifically, a National Sunday Law. The more overt, demanding and intrusive the LGBT community becomes, proportionate and even greater will be the hostile reaction that also demands legislation to restore morality in the form of the National, and then International Sunday Law.
Yet this very class put forth the claim that the fast-spreading corruption is largely attributable to the desecration of the so-called ‘Christian sabbath,’ and that the enforcement of Sunday observance would greatly improve the morals of society. This claim is especially urged in America…” White, Ellen. The Great Controversy (1911), page 587 The people of God can not join with either of these groups, as both are oppressive, restrictive of civil and religious liberties and go against God and His Laws; they must rather stand on the side of a plain “Thus saith The Lord,” even though it will mean standing alone and facing the ire of both church and states."
SavedToServe/Hilari Henriques